Jennifer Pitt

WTH, me?

This post is all for me…and thank gawd it’s my blog, so I get to do that.

I am an emotional person. I cry at Tim Horton’s commercials (there, I said it – I. Am. Canadian.), videos of rescued puppies make me sob, and I have been known to clutch tissues while watching NatGeo Wild.

Where I am not emotional is in my work. I am best under pressure and go ahead, hand me 11 tight deadlines in a row – what else you got?

So I am surprised this morning to feel slighted over a totally innocent comment from a manager. I have been put under pressure a great deal the last two weeks with my direct manager away, and have handled it marvelously, if I do say so myself. Considering I was handling a lot of things above my pay-grade (and knowledge!) I somehow got through it all with very few errors and learned a ton in the process. I am grateful for the experience, and extra happy I got to experience all that with a “always-know-where-you-stand” kind of manager, because she takes errors in stride and there is no residual bad feelings about having made an error: we fix it and move on.

On any other day, I would have taken the comment in stride, and probably been relieved as it actually means less work for me. But since I was putting on my best conscientious face in making sure we didn’t miss this little detail, I felt affronted when she said she didn’t care about that right now.

I felt trivialized, minimized, and every other not-so-good-ized you could think of. And why? Like I said, that she didn’t care made my job easier, for the time being. It was not a nasty comment about me or my work, or even a passive-aggressive jab. It was nothing, and that nothing was not even directed at me.

Anyway….please tell me why I am being so ridiculous. XO

P.S. I am so glad I have a blog…and I am so glad I have decided to be random. It makes my face happy.

4 thoughts on “WTH, me?

  1. Hmm… you didn’t include the comment at all. Maybe you’re taking more offense than you think you are. Nevertheless, workplaces are the worst. You express one thing about what you’re really thinking, and it can affect you dramatically. That’s been my experience. I hold in about 99% and am quite congenial. But that 1%… literally, just 1%… has held me back a number of times. You’re not being ridiculous. It’s real feelings, and it’s a very unnatural environment for us hoomans trying to make a living. I whole-heartedly recommend a good night’s sleep before you respond in any way, shape, or form.

    Or… since you’re Canadian… I thought you guys supposed to feel better after taking a bath in maple syrup or riding a moose through the Yukon? And have ya heard of ice hockey? You probably have a few teeth to spare.

    1. Thanks, Scott, I appreciate your support!! It was seriously such a nothing little comment that: I asked about a meeting schedule, which I had been doing all week, and was told she didn’t care about that right now. Kind of made me feel like my whole work week for naught lol.

      Not sure about the having teeth to spare, I’ll keep them all, thanks! But spot on about the maple syrup 😉

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