The Benefits of Community
I took some risks this week, and boy are they paying off.
Not only have I been fired up to get writing and get my blog back on track, but in reaching out on social media I have met so many amazing men and women who are putting their lives out there, supporting each other and sharing stories; I am so angry with myself for not doing it sooner!
It got me thinking about the importance of community. Whether it’s online or the people next door and across the street (I am so lucky to now have both!), sharing experiences and stories can foster and increase confidence in people who normally are not, courage in the most shy, and togetherness in those who may have felt alone. It’s a place to go for the support and encouragement you need, and also to get your arse kicked into gear if you need it.
I spent a lot of time on the outside, looking in; I don’t have ads or sponsors, so I felt like perhaps I was just pretending at being a writer, that I couldn’t possibly have anything that these pros I followed would want to read. I didn’t engage because I didn’t feel worthy.
Reaching out to any community means raising your hand and letting people know you’re there. Unfortunately, the world will not come looking for us; ok, maybe it will, someday, but in order for that to happen we have to get out there, and let people see us. It’s inevitable that we will come across people who don’t want us to be a part of their community, and that’s ok too. It’s clearly not the right place to be then! Reach out, don’t hide yourself, and you will find it.
Now, don’t send your neighbours my way when you start knocking on their doors to show them your blog…ok, send them – I’ll show them mine too!