One Lovely Blog Awards – Who, Me?!?!?
Well, well! Thanks for the nomination, Momarch Steph!!! She has nominated me for a One Lovely Blog Award! You MUST go and see her blog, Living In Momarchy – it is simply…Lovely!!
I talk a lot about how much having found this community of bloggers means to me. I have always loved to write, but found my voice pretty late in the game. Having felt the acceptance that I have over the last year in a half has really helped me learn how to get that voice out there, without feeling like I am selling my soul to the devil.
I read some comments about these blog awards, and no, you don’t win a house, you don’t win cash; what you win is WAY more valuable: the knowledge that you have a community of people who support you, respect you, and want to have some fun while helping to get OTHER blogs out there too.
And I heart every last one of you for that!!
Here are the rules for accepting the award:
- Thank and link back to the person who nominated you
- List the rules and display the award
- Include seven facts about yourself
- Nominate around 15 other bloggers and let them know about the award
- Follow the blogger who nominated you (if not already!)
Here are seven facts about me:
1. I had my first baby at 38-years-old. Yes, I know.
2. My first blog (my first love, if you will) is a writing about TV (DNM Magazine, if you find yourself overcome with curiosity! ) It’s since taken a backseat to this one, but hoping to get back to it!
3. I live in Toronto, Ontario, and have only been to the CN Tower once – when I was 5.
4. I am the youngest child with 3 brothers. Life was….interesting lol
5. I am tougher than all  3 of them combined, so they did teach me THAT.
6. I bought my new cell phone in a hormonal pregnancy rage at my beloved iPhone, and now I am making myself keep it to teach myself a lesson in impulse buying. Take that, me.
7. I lick my potato chips before eating them – both sides. I regret nothing.
I nominate these Lovely Blogs! Please go show these amazing people some love, and while you’re there, why not follow them on Twitter & Like them on Facebook?? 😉
11. Weaving Our Webb
12. Ponies & Martinis (I’m sensing a theme here….)
13. High Needs Mom
15. F*Bomby Mommy (and there’s the second theme…lol)
16. Ice Scream Mamma
17. Mama By Fire
thank you so much for nominating me. and for putting me in such great company. i believe you’re tougher than all three of your brothers combined. girl power. 🙂
You are most welcome, and definitely belong in that company!
You better believe it!! Though they would most likely disagree….lol
Thanks so much for the nomination!
My pleasure! 🙂
What a lovely bit of news. Thank you so much for highlighting my blog here. I’m truly honored. There are so many great sites out there and I appreciate knowing that you thought of me. I will carry the torch soon!
Hey Mommies Drink! Thanks so much for nominating me. I really appreciate it. I’ll be sure to check out all the blogs on your list. I know some of them already!
Most welcome! Yes…..I have a type 😉